Fashion Capitals Unite

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Fashion Capitals Unite

Today at a meeting between the world’s fashion capitals an agreement was reached to secure London Fashion Week’s slot on the global fashion calendar. Representatives from New York, London and Milan gathered in London for the discussion and were joined via telephone link by Paris.

Harold Tillman, Chairman of the British Fashion Council said: “I am delighted that this meeting has brought our fashion capitals closer together. It has highlighted our interdependence, commitment to nurturing talent and our sharing of ideas and goals. We are all united by one aim and one global industry. We recognise and respect each other’s cities strengths and will continue to collaborate to protect and grow our industry.”

The influence of London’s creativity on each of the fashion capitals was acknowledged by all parties. Diane Von Furstenberg, President of the CFDA in New York commented: “We allagree it is very important to preserve London Fashion Week, it provides the pool of talent we all benefit from.”

Mario Boselli, Chairman, Camera Della Moda in Milan “We appreciate this solution that respects London as a leading creative capital and Milan as capital of the Italian fashion system – platform for ’Made in Italy” and supplier of quality textile to all designers worldwide. Didier Grumbach, President of the Federation Francais de la Couture “London
has always delivered a very strong fashion message. Paris fashion week is extremely happy that New York, Milan and London have reached this harmonious conclusion.”

The plan allows New York to move its slot back, satisfying the needs of its designers, whilst ensuring a full five day slot for London from September 2009 onwards. Full details are still to be ratified with each capital’s designers. For February 2009 the CFDA, Camera Della Moda and Federation Francais de la Couture agreed to work closely with the British Fashion Council to ensure their show schedules are sensitive to London’s needs. Harold Tillman, Chairman of the British Fashion Council said: “With five days now secured from Sept 2009 the British Fashion Council looks forward to developing a stronger and more impactful London Fashion Week.”

All agreed that this agreement paves the way for closer links and cooperations in the future and committed to regular meetings and discussions to push forward mutual goals.
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